Friday, December 10, 2010

Day three: Your views on drugs and alcohol


I don't drink because it all tastes like piss. Drinking isn't bad, I just never got in to it. Too much is terrible, and I know I'm better off (both financially and intellectually) because I don't. I'm glad my lady doesn't get drunk and my abstinence doesn't bother her.
I don't do drugs, because I'm not retarded. I'm going to get dumber as I get older anyway, and I can't imagine what is good about taking something that speeds up the neural decay that comes with age. I think, and this isn't based in science, that all these people my age and younger who think weed is perfectly fine and that everyone is doing it are idiots. They're going to all be in homes by the time their 65, suffering from neuropathic diseases and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and so on.
I would, though, like to hallucinate. That said, I'm not going to take something that brings that about. I have a kidney thing that means all I can take for pain is Aspirin, so I'm pretty much clean as a whistle at this point.
So, there's that...

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