Friday, December 17, 2010

Day five: A time when you thought about ending your own life.

Well, I think every unpopular boy does that in middle or high school. I did, but never seriously.
After the divorce, it was very hard to go on, and I thought it about it a little, but again never seriously. I call a hotline once during that time, but it was more to feel like someone cared. I've always had good friends, and unless I'm dying from some horrible wasting disease that is incurable and causing everyone harm (or have the risk of being turned in to a zombie) there is pretty much a infinitesimal chance of anything like that happening. I'm too intellectually driven for that, and that which would be left behind for my loved ones is too much to put on them. Ever. So, while I'm not 'pure' in the sense that I've never thought about it (I'm way too dark to have never thought about it), I'm definitely not one to consider it (which is completely different from thinking about it - one is a though-experiment, one is a plan for a course of action).

I've had friends commit suicide. I've had family members do it. My parents had friends who have done it. While the individual may have ended their suffering (pending your reading of forgivable sins), it's not worth it to those left behind. Selfish cheaters...

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