Tuesday, April 28, 2015

25 - someone who fascinates me and why

That's easy - Vivian. She's brand new and changes every day. I can't get enough of what ever she's going to do next. One day she couldn't laugh. The next, she started. Now, she giggles herself silly during tickle-me-fall-down time. I can't get enough. It's fascinating seeing her become a people - really there's no other way to describe it. At first she was a pooping/crying/feeding/not-sleeping thing that needed constant supervision and drove me (us) crazy with our lack of sleep. Now, she sleeps mostly through most nights, and does stuff. She has interests and opinions, and while she can't actually speak, she sure is trying. Oh, and cooked carrot baby-food really is gross.

So, my 6 month old daughter fascinates me...

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