Monday, April 27, 2015

24 - Your favorite movie and what it's about

That's a tough prompt. My taste in film has changed so much, so frequently that I'm not sure there is an all-time favorite. I have a few that have really stuck with me...

The Dark Knight - easily the best Batman movie, superhero movie, and maybe one of the best movie-movies of all time. Chris Nolan outdid himself.

Superman Returns - this one isn't about a superhero, so much as it is about a son trying to live up to his expectations, and to fulfill the duty he sees before him at the expense of his own wishes. I think it was beautifully done (better than Man of Steel and any of the Chris Reeve movies), and while it's underrated, I love it. Plus, Kevin Spacey is great in it.

The Usual Suspects - fantastic whodunit that nails down the concept of a twist perfectly. M. Night Shyamalan could learn from this kind of film-making. Better than The 6th Sense, the twist is completely obscured due to fantastic acting and amazing writing. Plus, Kevin Spacey is great in it.

Toy Story 3 - my buddy Mike said it made him cry. I was one of those callous old holdouts that never say any of the Toy Story movies until after my daughter was born. I saw Toy Story in maybe 2014, although it could have been 2015 since I don't remember if I saw it before/after Christmas break. Anyway TS3 is brilliant. I thought 1 & 2 were great, but that was easily the best of them all. I know Pixar are geniuses at making people feel those feels, but this one was powerful. I was sad, I was happy, I was hopeful, and it was just a great film.

As my daughter gets older (yeah, I know, she's 6 months old now), I'm more drawn to films that are good examples of strong women. I want a movie to pass the Bechdel Test and the women to not be blatantly sexy or uselessly short-skirted. I want her to prefer Wonder Woman to Cat Woman, and not have body-image or self-esteem issues that all the ladies-on-display roles might cause. I want her to know she can do anything, and should strive for that. So I'm less likely to want to watch a dark, violent film (which I do enjoy) and am leery of Rom-Coms that aren't women-focused. So that's the future, probably...

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